Certificates of Insurance
The second protective element addressed by the Standard Terms and Conditions is the Insurance requirement. A Certificate of Insurance should be obtained from all Vendors. All contracts should require the Vendor to have General Liability insurance during the entire tenure of the contract. Depending on the type of service the Vendor is performing, additional insurance may be required including Workers Compensation, Automobile, or Professional Liability.
The third protective element is the Certificate of Insurance adding Georgetown University as an additional insured on the General Liability and/or Automobile Liability insurance. The certificate is issued by the Vendor’s insurance agent as evidence that the Vendor has insurance in place at the time of issuance.
For Independent Contractors, Georgetown University has developed a similar set of Terms and Conditions that are specific to their needs. For these Contractors, please use the Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA).
All vendors wishing to do business with Georgetown University must provide evidence of insurance to the Office of Risk Management prior to the contract start date.
A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is a document that evidences for one party the insurance coverage held by another party. It evidences the coverage in place at the time of issuance of the certificate. Certificates of insurance are crucial to the transacting of business and are used in a multitude of situations.
Click on this link to view a Sample ACORD Certificate which includes instructions for completing the form.
It is important to note that a certificate of insurance is only evidence of insurance coverage in effect at the time of issuance of the certificate; it is not an insurance policy nor does it convey any rights to the certificate holder. It is not foolproof and is provided as information only. Some have referred to the certificate as providing “the illusion of protection.”
The following general requirements should be incorporated in every certificate of insurance and should not be waived without consulting with the Office of Risk Management:
- Required insurance should be written on a per occurrence basis (professional liability and pollution liability are acceptable on a claims made basis).
- As specified by the GU Standard Terms and Conditions, the comprehensive general liability and/or auto insurance policies shall include Georgetown University as an “Additional Insured” but solely with respect to liability arising from the performance of the agreement.
Provide a minimum of 30 days advance written notice of cancellation or non-renewal of policies required under the contract to Georgetown University.
- Provide a completed Certificate of Insurance (COI) containing the following information:
- Name and address of the agent, phone number, and fax number
- Name of insurance company and policy numbers
- Policy period and policy number
- Name and address of the insured
- Description of coverage(s)
- Name/number of project
- Policy limits
- Special Instructions or terms of coverage (for example: addition of Georgetown University as additional insured)
- Georgetown University listed as Certificate Holder
- Signature of the insurer’s agent or representative and date
Things to Remember
The size and scope of the contract and the potential exposure will dictate the level of insurance coverage required. The suggested minimum is $1,000,000 for all contracts regardless of size. However, if at anytime a contract reviewer believes the terms of the contract may require additional coverage then Risk Management should be consulted.
List of COI’s Received
Risk Management currently maintains an updated list of all vendors who have submitted COI’s to Georgetown University. Click on this link to view a complete list of Certificates of Insurance (PDF) that we have received to date. We invite you to search for your vendor.
Insurance Waiver Request
In rare situations the insurance requirement can be waived if approved by the Contracts Manager and/or Risk Management. If requesting that the insurance requirement be waived, please complete the Insurance Waiver Request in its entirety, and forward to the contracts manager.
Outbound Certificates of Insurance
Outside parties frequently ask Georgetown to confirm various types and levels of insurance in connection with business agreements. The Office of Risk Management is able to respond to such requests and can provide evidence of the University’s insurance coverage in the form of a certificate of insurance.
Questions? Contact Risk Management at (202) 687-6622